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6/3/07 "A toast too..."
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What a great weekend. Thanks to Emily for putting it together. We started the weekend by meeting up with Eric, Andy, Jenny, and Jon at school. We moved Jenny's horses and laying mouse traps in the sculpture studio. Then met up with Emily, Lisa, Jeremy and Patrick at Jenny's apartment. Then we hit the road. There was a really sharp turn and shifting of leaders. Eventually we got down to Ocean City. Unpacked and started hanging about and broke out the beer. Eventually Nuemann and Mary Kate meet us at the cabins. Grilling and drinking continued. Eventually playing Kings and had the funniest rule ever(not allowing to use words with s's). After many hours we called it a night. The next day we headed to the boardwalk. Walked up and down and visited arcades and shops. Growing tired we picked up some chicken at the Acme and returned to our cabins. We then began grilling once more. setting a blaze many a coal and grilling many a blacken chicken. Said goodbye to Nuemann, Eric and Jeremy. Much more drinking and playing a drinking game to the Venture Brothers DVD. Eventually calling it a night and sleeping. The next day we cleaned up our wall of empty bottles and cans lining the ledges of the porch. We were now in search of an IHOP. After looking about we found one and ate quickly because I had to get home. Being the awesome guy Jon is he drove really fast to get me home. Which he did with 9 minutes to spare.

I also like to thank all the attendees of my graduation party. Much fun.

Well I need to rest up. NIGHT!!! LOVE YOU ALL!!!

"Under the Boardwalk. Out of the sun. Under the Boardwalk. Man, we'll be having some fun. People walkin' above. Under the Boardwalk. We'll be falling in love under the boardwalk, boardwalk."
(Under the Boardwalk, The Drifters)
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